Connect to Guest@UA Wireless Network
Modified on: Tue, 4 Feb 2025 1:32 PMIntroduction
This article will demonstrate how to connect to the Guest@UA wireless network. The Guest@UA is a free wireless connection to check email, participate in conferences or browse the web. It is for University of Alberta visitors who do not have a Campus Computing ID (CCID).
Note: This is a performance-limited resource and is not intended for those with a valid CCID.
This article applies to guests of the University of Alberta who need to connect to a wireless network to check email, participate in conferences or browse the web. Please be aware that the Guest@UA wireless network is not for members of the University of Alberta who have a Campus Computing ID (CCID)
If at any time you have difficulty or encounter problems with this process, please call the Staff Service Centre for IT support at 780-492-8000 Ext. 1. Between the hours of 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM Monday to Friday.
Connecting to Guest@UA
1. Click the wireless connection icon near the clock. Scroll down the list until you find the Guest@UA wireless network, and select it from the list of networks.
2. When you connect to the Guest@UA wireless network your computer will launch a web browser to the University of Alberta Guest wireless service webpage.
3) After you accept the terms of the Acceptable Use Policy you will be presented a screen similar to the image below. Type your email address into the window. An email message will be sent to the email address you provided.
5) The email message sent to you will look similar to the image below. You may need to look in your SPAM folder. Email will be from: You must press the Activate Access button to log into the Guest@UA wireless network.
6) If you press the Activate Access button within the 5 minute time limit you will be granted access. Your web browser will automatically be redirected to the University of Alberta homepage.
If you fail to press the Activate Access button within the allotted time you will need to reconnect to the Guest@UA wireless network and start the process all over again.
Additional Considerations
Below are links on how to connect to eduroam, should you have an active University of Alberta CCID.