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Remote directly into desktops or Terminal Server

Modified on: Thu, 21 Dec 2023 3:08 PM



University of Alberta (UofA) provides solutions to work remotely by connecting to your desktop computer on campus or working from the Terminal Server (TS) if you are on the central domain (


KBA Objective:

  • Provides instructions for setup and connection for Remoting in desktops on Windows/MacOS/iOS/other Operating Systems (OS)
  • Provides instructions for setup and connection for Terminal Server (TS) on Windows/MacOS/iOS/other Operating Systems (OS)





Target Audience:

  • Mainly for users under Central Domain (
  • Instructions still apply for users outside of the central domain, but may be harder to understand







Basic Information

Remote to desktops

Remote to Terminal Server (TS)


Related Knowledge



Basic Information


Define Remoting into desktop

UofA desktop computers will always be connected through an ethernet cord to access the Internet through a hard-wired connection.

Once the computers get access to the UofA network, they can access drives, printers and policies that apply to the department.


Another benefit is that you can connect directly to your work computer by remoting in while you are off campus. The required conditions/process are:

From your work computer:

  • Need to be connected through ethernet cord
  • Network needs to be active (Network connections can drop and lose access to the computer)
  • Full computer name (i.e. hostname + domain name)

From your remote computer:

  • Need to access the network through VPN/gateway
  • Need to set up the desktop/terminal connection on Remote Desktop Connection (RDC)


Define Terminal Server

Terminal Server (TS) is a Windows product that is popular in business/enterprise settings to provide basic access to shared drives and some of the applications available from a standard office computer.

Some users/departments can also have additional applications/access depending on their Active Directory (AD) accounts for their UofA computers.


The only condition is that only user accounts under the central domain can access TS.


Prerequisites on remoting with VPN

If you are off-campus or if you do not have access to a UofA ethernet connection (hard-wired internet), then you will need to access the UofA network remotely through a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

  • VPN provides access to computers that are on and hard-wired on campus
  • VPN provides basic access to a Windows computer using a remote session that is accessible for any account under the same domain as the connected domain


The typical application for UofA VPN is Cisco AnyConnect VPN. Please make sure that you have completed these steps before proceeding to remote into computers:

  1. If you are only planning to remote into Terminal Server (TS), check if your account is on the STS (central) domain
  1. Click on the Start menu  of your computer and search for Cisco Anyconnect
  2. If you have Cisco Anyconnect VPN, you should see the following:
  • Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated with low confidence


  1. If you do not have the application, please refer to KBA – Access the UofA VPN to follow the sections on installing Cisco AnyConnect VPN
  • For connecting to computers under STS, refer to KBA – Connect to the @uanet VPN context for the instructions
  • For connection to computers outside of STS, you will need a specific VPN context (instead of @uanet)
  • If you do not know your department’s context, either ask coworkers or contact IST by calling 780-492-9400 or email for “the VPN context of my location”  

You are all set for remoting into your UofA desktop computer or Terminal Server.

  • Note: Your desktop computer will need to be turned on and connected through ethernet to be accessible



Remote to desktops


1.0 Find your Windows computer name

You must know your computer name before you are able to connect remotely. These steps must be performed while physically at your office computer.

  • If you are unable to gain physical access to your computer, please contact IST by calling 780-492-9400 or email for more assistance


  1. Click on the Start menu icon then open File Explorer
  • TextDescription automatically generated with medium confidence


  1. Right click on This PC and click on Properties
  • Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated


  1. You should see the Full computer name for your UofA desktop computer. Write down that name as you will need this to connect from home
  2. Your full account username should follow the format: domain\username
  • Graphical user interface, text, application, emailDescription automatically generated


If your account/computer is not under STS, your account should follow your computer as follows (e.g., for the Faculty of ALES):

  • Full Computer name:
  • Full Account Username:\YOUR_CCID


2.0 Windows – Set up desktop connection

NOTE: Your work computer must be powered on and awake for you to connect direct to desktop.

  1. Make sure to find your full computer name and full account username before proceeding, as mentioned in Section 1.0 of Remote to desktops
  2. Press the Windows Key + R, type mstsc and click OK to open the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) window

  1. Click Show Options

  1. In the Remote Desktop Connection window, click on the Advanced tab

  1. Click Settings

  1. Apply the following settings in this window


  1. In the Logon settings section of the General tab, fill in the following information:

  1. Click Save As… to name and save this configuration for later use
  • Remember to pick a location you can easily remember and access


  1. Click Save to close the window or click Connect to connect to your work computer


2.1 Windows – Connect remotely to desktop

  1. Make sure that you are connected to the VPN, as mentioned in Prerequisites on remoting
  2. Open the RDC configuration that you saved in Section 2.0 of Remote to desktops
  • Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated

  1. If the Remote Desktop Connection window appears, click Connect
  • Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated

  1. Enter the password you use to access your work computer and click OK
  • Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

  1. You are connected and you should see your work computer’s desktop on your screen and the Connection Bar will be visible

Remember to log off your work computer when finished:

  • Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

3.0 MacOS (Apple) – Set up desktop connection

NOTE: Your work computer must be powered on and awake for you to connect direct to desktop.

  1. Quit any applications that are running
  • Click Command + Tab to scroll through your open applications
  • Click Command + Q to close the selected application

  1. Download Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 from the App Store:
  1. Click on View in Mac App Store or Open App Store in the window that pops up

  1. When the page opens, click on Get to install

  1. After following any default instructions, your Applications folder will now contain a new application called Microsoft Remote Desktop
    1. To access your Applications folder, click on the Finder icon on the far left of your Dock
    2. When the window opens, click on Applications along the left side


Set Up desktop connection on macOS

Follow the instructions below to create a new connection:

  1. Make sure to find your full computer name and full account username before proceeding, as mentioned in Section 1.0 of Remote to desktops
  2. Open the Microsoft Remote Desktop application
  • Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated

  1. Press Command + N on your keyboard
  2. Enter the following information (ignore the Add Gateway):
  • Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

  1. Leave the other settings as they are and click Add
  • Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

  1. You will now see Work Computer listed in the Microsoft Remote Desktop window
  2. You will only need a VPN connect, then you can double-click it to connect


3.1 MacOS (Apple) – Connect remotely to desktop

  1. Make sure that you are connected to the VPN, as mentioned in Prerequisites on remoting
  2. Open Microsoft Remote Desktop that you saved in Section 3.0 of Remote to desktops
  3. In Microsoft Remote Desktop under PCs, double click on Work Computer
  • Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

  1. A dialogue window may open asking you to verify the certificate, click Continue
  2. A dialogue window will open prompting you for your credentials. Enter the following information:
  1. You are connected and you should see your work computer’s desktop on your screen and the Connection Bar will be visible

Remember to log off your work computer when finished:

  • Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

4.0 iOS (iPhone & iPad) – Remote to desktop

NOTE: Your work computer must be powered on and awake for you to connect direct to desktop.


Installing the Software on iOS

  1. Download and install Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 from the App Store:


Set up desktop connection

  1. Make sure to find your full computer name and full account username before proceeding, as mentioned in Section 1.0 of Remote to desktops
  2. Tap the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client icon on your device to launch it
  3. If prompted for access to Bluetooth or others, tap Continue and then tap OK for each request
  4. Tap + in the top right corner of the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client app
  5. Tap Add PC
  6. Enter the following information:
  • PC Name: your_full_computer_name
  • User Account: Ask When Required
  • Friendly Name: Work Computer

  1. Back in the Add PC screen tap Save
  2. You will now see Work Computer listed in the RD Client window


Connect remotely to desktop

  1. Make sure that you are connected to the VPN, as mentioned in Prerequisites on remoting
  2. Tap the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client icon on your device to launch it
  3. Under PCs, tap on Work Computer to connect
  4. Enter the following into the dialog window that opened:


  1. You are connected and you should see your work computer’s desktop on your screen and the Connection Bar will be visible


Remember to log off your work computer when finished:

  • Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

5.0 Other Operating Systems (OS)

NOTE: Your work computer must be powered on and awake for you to connect direct to desktop.

  • Other operating systems (Android, Linux etc.) will require remote desktop client software. See your operating systems app store for more details.
  • Make sure to find your full computer name and full account username before proceeding, as mentioned in Section 1.0 of Remote to desktops
  • You will need to connect to the gateway server or connect to the VPN as mentioned in Prerequisites on remoting


Your computer log in information is as follows:

  • Username: full account username (domain\ccid)
  • Password: your_Windows_password


When you are connected, you should see your work computer’s desktop on your screen and the Connection Bar will be visible

Remember to log off your work computer when finished:

  • Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated




Remote to Terminal Server (TS)


1.0 Windows – Set up TS

Note: TS is only accessible for users with STS accounts (mentioned in Define Terminal Server)


  1. Press the Windows Key + R, type mstsc and click OK to open the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) window
  • Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated


  1. Click Show Options
  • Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated


  1. Enter in the Computer field and STS\your_ccid in the User name field
  • Graphical user interface, text, application, emailDescription automatically generated


  1. Click on the Advanced tab
  • Graphical user interface, text, application, emailDescription automatically generated

  1. Click Settings
  • Graphical user interface, text, application, emailDescription automatically generated

  1. Make sure, Automatically detect RD Gateway server settings is selected and click OK
  • Graphical user interface, text, application, emailDescription automatically generated

  1. Click on the General Tab and then click Save As… to name and save this configuration for later use
  • Remember to pick a location you can easily remember and access
  • Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated

  1. Click Save to close the window


1.1 Windows – Connect to TS

  1. Open the saved configurations mentioned in Section 1.0 of Remote to TS
  • Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

  1. If a warning message appears, click on Show Details to review what the remote computer will be able to access
  • Once you are satisfied with your selections, click Connect
  • Graphical user interface, text, application, emailDescription automatically generated

  1. Enter the password you use to access your work computer and click OK
  • Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

  1. You are connected. You should now see your work computer’s desktop on your screen and the Connection Bar will be visible.

Remember to log off the terminal server when finished:

  • Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

2.0 macOS (Apple) – Set up TS

Note: TS is only accessible for users with STS accounts (mentioned in Define Terminal Server)


  1. Quit any applications that are running
  • Click Command + Tab to scroll through your open applications
  • Click Command + Q to close the selected application

  1. Download Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 from the App Store:
  2. Refer to Apple – Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 for the download
  • Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

  1. Click on View in Mac App Store or Open App Store in the window that pops up
  • Graphical user interface, websiteDescription automatically generated

  1. When the page opens, click on Get to install
  • Graphical user interface, application, websiteDescription automatically generated

  1. After following any default instructions, your Applications folder will now contain a new application called Microsoft Remote Desktop
  2. To access your Applications folder, click on the Finder icon on the far left of your Dock
  3. When the window opens, click on Applications along the left side
  • Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated


Set up Terminal Server Connection on macOS

  1. Follow the instructions below to create a new connection:
  2. Open the Microsoft Remote Desktop application
  • Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated

  1. Press Command + N on your keyboard
  2. Enter the following information:
  • Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

  1. You will now see University of Alberta listed in the Microsoft Remote Desktop window
  • Graphical user interface, application, WordDescription automatically generated

2.1 MacOS (Apple) – Connect to TS


  1. Make sure that you are connected to the VPN, as mentioned in Prerequisites on remoting
  2. Open University of Alberta that you saved in Section 2.0 of Remote to TS
  3. A dialogue window will open prompting you for your credentials. Enter the following information:
  • Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated


  1. You are connected and you should see your work computer’s desktop on your screen and the Connection Bar will be visible

Remember to log off your work computer when finished:

  • Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated


3.0 iOS (iPhone & iPad) – Terminal Server

Note: TS is only accessible for users with STS accounts (mentioned in Define Terminal Server)


Installing the Software on iOS

  1. Download and install Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 from the App Store:


Set Up Terminal Server Connection on iOS

  1. Tap the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client icon on your device to launch it
  2. If prompted for access to Bluetooth or others, tap Continue and then tap OK for each request
  3. Tap + in the top right corner of the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client app
  4. Tap Add PC
  5. Enter the following information:
  • PC Name:
  • User account: Ask when required
  • Friendly name: University of Alberta


  1. Back in the Add PC screen tap Save
  2. You will now see University of Alberta listed in the RD Client window


Connect to Terminal Server on iOS

  1. Make sure that you are connected to the VPN, as mentioned in Prerequisites on remoting
  2. Tap the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client icon on your device to launch it
  3. Under PCs, tap on University of Alberta to connect
  4. Enter the following into the dialog window that opened:
  • Username: : STS\your_ccid
  • Password: Your work computer’s password


  1. You are connected and you should see your work computer’s desktop on your screen and the Connection Bar will be visible

Remember to log off your work computer when finished:

  • Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

4.0 Other Operating Systems (OS) – Terminal Server

Note: TS is only accessible for users with STS accounts (mentioned in Define Terminal Server)


  • Other operating systems (Android, Linux etc.) will require remote desktop client software. See your operating systems app store for more details.
  • You will need to connect to the gateway server or connect to the VPN as mentioned in Prerequisites on remoting
  • The computer name is:

You will need to know your computer log in information:

  • Username: STS\ccid  (not case sensitive)
  • Password: your_Windows_password


When you are connected, you should see your work computer’s desktop on your screen and the Connection Bar will be visible

Remember to log off your work computer when finished:

  • Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated





Related Knowledge


Additional Considerations (Notes)




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Keywords: terminal, server, central domain, AD,, STS, resources, home, remote, desktop, direct, ipad, ios, direct to desktop, gateway, VPFA, VPFO, AIS, ANCILLARY, EHS, EXTN, FO, FS, HRS, LAW, REO, RMS, RSO, SMS, UAPS, UR,
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