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O365 - Account Troubleshooting

Modified on: Wed, 2 Oct 2024 1:05 PM


This article outlines some steps you can take to troubleshoot connecting to your Office 365 account.


This article is intended for use by users of Office365.


Please try the below procedures in order. If any steps below resolve your issue, you don't need to continue following the rest.

Sign-out of Office apps:

  1. Attempt signing out of all Office apps on your computer and then try signing back into Office using your CCID (
  2. For information on how to sign out of Office apps, please see this Microsoft article.
  3. If you still can't sign-in try the following (on the following steps, please replace 'ccid' with your actual CCID):
    1. Enter as the username and click next 
    2. It will ask you to enter the username again (it should be pre-populated with This time enter and click next.
    3. It should now accept and you will be prompted for your password.

Remove Work/School account from your computer:

  1. Remove the 'Work/School' account from your computer.
  2. Restart your computer.
  3. Try signing into Office using your CCID (
  4. For information on how to remove the 'Work/School' account from your computer, please see this Microsoft Article. Choose your Windows version and then look under the section titled 'Add work or school accounts to your PC'.

PC Only - Reset your Office licenses:

  1. Download and run the 'Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant'
  2. When asked to sign in, please sign-in with your account.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Mac Only - Reset your Office licenses:

  1. Download and run 'Office Reset'
  2. Follow through the instructions in the installer. When you get to the 'Installation Type' section select 'Reset License and Sign-In'
  3. Continue following the instructions in the installer. When it is complete restart your Mac and attempt to sign-in to Office apps using your CCID (

Uninstall/Reinstall Office (PC):

  1. Follow the instructions in this Microsoft Article to uninstall Office365 from your PC.
  2. Restart your PC.
  3. Follow the instructions in this Microsoft Article to install Office365 on your PC. Be sure to sign in with your

Uninstall/Reinstall Office (Mac):

  1. Follow the instructions in this Microsoft Article to uninstall Office365 from your Mac.
  2. Restart your Mac.
  3. Follow the instructions in this Microsoft Article to install Office365 on your Mac. Be sure to sign in with your

iOS Account Reset:

  1. Close all Office apps.
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Tap to select one of your Office for iOS apps such as Word or Excel
  4. Under RESET: tap Reset <app name>
  5. Slide to enable 'Delete Login Credentials'
  6. Start one of your Office for iOS apps
  7. Sign in using your CCID (
  8. Now exit and try opening one of the Office apps.

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