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Set up a Voicemail Box on a Telus Centrex Campus Telephone

Modified on: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 3:15 PM



This article will provide instructions for setting up a voicemail box on a TELUS Centrex telephone.




This article is for University of Alberta users who are not on the central telephone system but instead use the  TELUS Centrex telephone service and associated voicemail platform.

Users of Avaya - PBX (Private Branch Exchange) or the Cisco VoIP (Voice over IP) systems should see instead: KB0012126




The following access numbers and password information will be helpful when setting up and accessing your voicemail box:

  • 99 - Dial this number for quick access to your mailbox while in the office.
  • 310-9898 - Call this number to retrieve messages while you are away from the office.
  • Mailbox Number - This is your 10 digit phone number (area code + phone number).
  • Temporary Password - This is your 10 digit phone number (area code + phone number).
  • Permanent Password - Should be between 4 to 15 digits, should not be your phone number and cannot start with zero.


 To Set up a Voicemail box from your office phone: 

1. Access your mailbox - Dial #99 or 310-9898

2. Temporary Password - The tutorial will prompt you to enter your temporary password, which is your 10 digit phone number followed by #

3. Permanent Password - You will then be prompted to create your permanent password followed by #.  To accept your new password press #.

4. Personal Name - You will be prompted to start recording your personal name by pressing #.  When you have finished recording your name press # again. To accept your recorded personal name press 1.

5. Personal Greeting - You will be prompted to start recording your personal greeting by pressing #. When you have finished your greeting press #. To accept your recorded personal greeting press 1.

6. Zero-out Password - You will be prompted to create a zero-out password (which cannot be the same as your log-in password and has to be 6-15 digits) and press #. To confirm your zero-out password press #.

7. Your mailbox is now ready to use.

8. Exit mailbox - press * to exit.


To Set up a Voicemail box from another phone:

1. Dial 310-9898

2. Listen to the voice instructions.  You will be required to press and then enter your 10 digit mailbox number.

3. Follow Steps 2 -  8 above.

Keywords: Set up, Voicemail, box, campus, telephone, Centrex TELUS, UofA, telecom, Garneau

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