Enrol With Duo Security
This article provides information on Duo Security Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) and outlines the process for enroling devices with Duo Security. Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is a form of authentication that requires two or more verification methods to access a resource, application, online account, or a VPN.
Duo Security multi-factor authentication (MFA) has been enabled for some services and some CCID holders within the University of Alberta domain. Eligible users will encounter a second authentication step to verify their identity when logging in to PeopleSoft and other web based applications secured with Duo, with more applications being added over time. MFA is currently in a staged rollout to all staff. This article provides information and resources for setting up and using Duo Security multi-factor authentication with your CCID.
Duo Security authentication is required when accessing Duo protected applications form ANY DEVICE, not just from your mobile phone. Eligible users will receive email communications when their Duo account is created. If you have not received any such emails, you are not eligible for Duo Security at this time.
Other Duo MFA Resources
Before You Begin
- Important! You must fully complete these steps to enrol your mobile device. If you close the Duo web interface before completing all the steps, you will need to Re-Enrol your Duo Mobile app.
- You must have received the initial enrolment email.
- You need a laptop or desktop computer to complete the enrolment process.
- You need an iOS (14.0 and greater) or Android (10.0 and greater) smartphone or tablet on which you can install the Duo Mobile app.
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How Does Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) work?

Multi-factor Authentication adds an additional layer of security to your UAlberta CCID account by requiring you to confirm login attempts with your CCID on another device you own. Using a second factor (like your mobile phone or tablet) to login in addition to your CCID and password prevents other people from logging in with your CCID if they know your password.
When accessing an online service or application protected with Duo Security, you will still log in as usual from any browser or device using your CCID and Password, but will then be asked to confirm your log in either with the Duo Mobile app on your mobile device or by entering a passcode.
The Enrolment Process
An initial email is sent to inform you that your account has entered the 30 day enrolment period. If you haven't received this initial email, your account is not eligible to enrol with Duo Security. After the 30 day enrolment period has ended, you will be required to authenticate with Duo Security before accessing certain applications. You can enrol at any point after you've received the initial email.
Installing the Duo Mobile app on your Mobile Device
The Duo Mobile app is supported on the following platforms:
- iOS 14.0 and greater
- Includes both iPhones and iPads
- Android 10.0 and greater
- Includes both phones and tablets
To find the app, simply search “Duo Mobile” (by Duo Security) on your device's app store or use the direct links to the Apple and Google app stores below.
Apple: https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/duo-mobile/id422663827
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.duosecurity.duomobile&hl=en
Enroling With Duo Security
You must fully complete these steps to enrol your mobile device. If you close the Duo web interface before completing all the steps, you will need to Re-Enrol your Duo Mobile app.
- Mobile Device: Ensure you have the Duo Mobile app installed on your mobile device. If not, see Installing the Duo Mobile app on your smartphone or tablet
- Computer: Navigate to https://mfa.srv.ualberta.ca/ on a supported web browser and log in with your CCID
- Computer: Click Next on the first three screens (1) (2) (3)

- Computer: Select Duo Mobile as your login option.
- Computer: Select your country code and enter your phone number (1). Next, select Continue (2).

- Computer: On the summary screen, confirm the information you entered is correct and select Yes, it's correct.
- Computer: Ensure you have downloaded the Duo Mobile app on your mobile device as previously instructed, and then select Next
- Computer: The next page should present you a QR code similar to the screenshot below (without the blacked out portion)
- Mobile Device: Open the Duo Mobile app and select Set Up Account (Image 1). Next select Use a QR Code (Image 2). If prompted allow the app access to your camera. Scan the QR code displayed in the Duo web interface on your computer.

- Mobile Device: When the QR code is scanned, your mobile device will advance to the Name account page, and the website on your computer will add a green checkmark over the QR code.
- Mobile Device: Press the Save button on the Name account page to save the University of Alberta account. You will be brought to the Accounts page, which will display the new University of Alberta account on the app. Your mobile device is no longer necessary for any of the remaining steps.
- Computer: Once you have scanned the QR code and saved the account, the webpage will automatically advance.
Note: You will not be able to progress until you have successfully scanned the QR code with the Duo Mobile app.
- Computer: Select 'Log in with Duo' to get started
How to Re-Enrol your Duo Mobile app
If you started enroling your mobile device in Duo, but did not activate the Duo Mobile app or if you have a new phone but still have the same phone number you can re-enroll your Duo mobile app at https://mfa.srv.ualberta.ca using the following instruction:
- Mobile Device: Ensure you have the Duo Mobile app installed on your mobile device. If not, see Installing the Duo Mobile app on your smartphone or tablet
- Computer: Navigate to https://mfa.srv.ualberta.ca and log in with your CCID and Password.
NOTE: If you are not prompted to log in with Duo, you will need to start over in a Private or Incognito browser window.
- Computer: You will automatically be sent to a text passcode login page. Do not select Send a passcode yet. Instead, select Other options.
- Computer: Select Manage devices.

- Computer: Select the Text message passcode option

- Computer: Enter the code sent to your mobile device in the Passcode text field (1) then click Verify (2).

- Computer: On the Manage Devices page you will see a Generic Smartphone with your number, select the Add a device option to the right

- Computer: Select the Duo Mobile option
- Computer: Select your country code and enter your phone number (1). Next, select Continue (2).

- Computer: On the summary screen, confirm the information you entered is correct and select Yes, it's correct.
- Computer: Ensure you have downloaded the Duo Mobile app on your mobile device as previously instructed, and then select Next
Computer: The next page should present you a QR code similar to the screenshot below (without the blacked out portion)
- Mobile Device: Open the Duo Mobile app and select Set Up Account (Image 1). Next select Use a QR Code (Image 2). If prompted allow the app access to your camera. Scan the QR code displayed in the Duo web interface on your computer.

- Mobile Device: When the QR code is scanned, your mobile device will advance to the Name account page, and the website will add a green checkmark over the QR code.
- Mobile Device: Press the Save button on the Name account page to save the University of Alberta account. You will be brought to the Accounts page, which will display the new University of Alberta account on the app. Your mobile device is no longer necessary for any of the remaining steps.
- Computer: Once you have scanned the QR code and saved the account, the dialog will automatically close, and your Generic Smartphone icon will update to your model of phone.
Note: You will not be able to progress until you have successfully scanned the QR code with the Duo Mobile app.
- Computer: Your device is now fully enrolled, and you can log in at your leisure.
Troubleshooting Duo Enrolment and Device Issues
Mobile Device or Duo Mobile App Common Problems
Tip: Check the Duo MFA Frequently Asked Questions article for information on commonly asked questions.
Re-enrolling your mobile device will resolve most Duo MFA enrolment and mobile device issues and is the first step to resolving issues such as:
- You don't have the "Duo Push" option in the Duo MFA web interface
- Pass codes are not displayed in the Duo mobile app or the codes generated are not working
- You don't have a QR code to scan from your mobile device when you are enrolling the Duo Mobile app
- You are not receiving push notifications on your mobile device when attempting to authenticate using Duo MFA after enrolment
- Your Duo Mobile app didn't restore or is not working after you got a new device using the same phone number
You can re-enrol your device on your own by following the instructions provided in the Re-enrol your Duo Device section above. Be sure to read and follow the instructions exactly or your re-enrolment may not work. If you continue to have issues after re-enrolment, please contact the IT Service Desk.
Other Common Problems:
Problem: The Duo MFA page or Mobile apps presents the following error message: “Your organization requires your phone to have a screen lock setup with a PIN, passcode, or other secure option to unlock it.”
Solution: You must enable a lock screen passcode or pin on your mobile device. In some cases you may also have to enable local encryption on your mobile device.
Problem: You are unable to download the Duo Mobile app from your app store or you are seeing an error message indicating your device operating system is not allowed.
Solution: You can try updating your device following your device manufacturers instructions. If your device is running the latest version of software available to it, it may not be compatible with Duo and you will need to get a fob to use with Duo.
Problem: I’m traveling and Duo MFA is not working or I’m getting a message saying access is denied in my current location.
Solution: Due to regulatory reasons, Duo will not work in countries or regions subject to economic and trade sanctions, such as Cuba or Iran. Otherwise, Duo should work internationally as long as your mobile device has an internet/data connection. If your device will not maintain a data connection while traveling or you are traveling without your mobile device, you should get a fob to use while traveling as they do not require an internet connection to generate a code.
Duo Fob Common Problems
Problem: The codes generated by my Duo fob stopped working
Solution: In some cases your Duo fob may become unsynced with your account. You can attempt to resolve this problem yourself by generating 3 different passcodes, and then entering each passcode and pressing the 'Log In' button on the Duo panel one after the other within a 5 minute time span. If this does not resolve the issue, you must contact the IT Service Desk to have your fob re-synced.
Duo Security: This is the service used to provide multi-factor authentication with your CCID.
Duo Prompt or Duo Web Interface: This is referring to the main user interface of Duo. You will see the Duo prompt after logging in to UAlberta Log In (Single Sign On) when accessing an application secured with Duo
Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): This refers to using an additional step to authenticate a user’s login attempt prior to granting access to an application. This is in addition to a user providing their username and password.
Duo Mobile: This refers to the app that you install on your mobile device to authenticate with Duo Security.
Duo Push: This refers to a way of authenticating using notifications on your mobile device with the Duo Mobile app.
Passcode: A 6 digit code entered in the Duo Prompt to authenticate with Duo.